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How do I quietly or silently install the RightFax 9.0 or 9.3 client?

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Below is the proper syntax used to edit the CmdLine line parameter within the setup.ini for the RightFax 9.0 or 9.3 client installation files.

/qb Quiet install with basic user interface
/qn Quiet install with no user interface
/qr Quiet install with reduced user interface and a modal dialog box at the end of installation
/qf Quiet install with full user interface and a modal dialog box at the end of installation
/l*v “MSI log path” Creates a verbose MSI log in the specified location
NOTE: Using the /qr switch will automatically install MSDE on the client machine. If you do not wish to install MSDE please use one of the other /q switches.

The component keywords for the RightFax 9.0 & 9.3 client installation are:

*SERIALNUM Serial Number of the RightFax server software
*RFSERVERNAME Specifies the name of the fax server to which the client will connect
RFLANGUAGE Specifies the language of the client to install. If you are installing the English client you do not need to use this keyword as English is the default. The other possible values are: French, French-Canadian, German, Italian, Portuguese, & Spanish. The values for RFLANGUAGE are case sensitive.
INSTALL_FAXCTRL Installs the RightFax Printer Driver
INSTALL_EFM Installs Enterprise Fax Manager
INSTALL_OUTLOOK Installs the Outlook Advanced Forms
INSTALL_MAPIPRINTER Installs the MAPI Print Driver
INSTALL_VIMPRINTER Installs the VIM Print Driver
INSTALL_INTERACTION Installs the RightFax integration for Interaction clients
INSTALL_AUTOREPLYCLIENT Installs the AutoReply client feature
INSTALL_PAPERPORT Installs the Paperport client feature
PREFERREDDRIVER Specifies the print driver type to be used for the RightFax Fax Printer
-1 Select automatically (default)
0 PCL-5
1 PCL-5E
2 Adobe PostScript
ALLUSERS Installs the specified applications for all users when set to 1 & only for the current user when set to 0
INSTALLDIR Installs RightFax client applications to specified path
FORCE – Always prompts for a reboot at the end of the installation. The setup program will prompt the user with an option to reboot at the end. If there is no user interface, the system automatically reboots at the end of the installation.
SUPPRESS – Suppresses prompts for a reboot at the end of the installation. The setup program will prompt the user with an option to reboot during the installation if it detects that a reboot is required to complete the installation. If there is no user interface, the system automatically reboots if one is required to complete the installation. Reboots at the end of the installation. For example, reboots that are caused by an attempt to install a file in use are suppressed.
REALLYSUPPRESS – Suppresses all reboots and reboot prompts if the setup program detects that a reboot is required to complete the installation. Suppresses all reboots and reboot prompts at the end of the installation. Both the reboot prompt and the reboot itself are suppressed. For example, reboots at the end of the installation that are caused by an attempt to install a file in use are suppressed.

NOTE: If the Windows Installer on the client needs to be updated then a reboot cannot be suppressed

SPROTOCOL Specifies which protocol the client will use
Named Pipes: “NP”

IMPORTANT NOTE: .NET Framework 1.1 will be installed on the workstation if it is not already present. If you are performing a quiet or silent installation of the RightFax client then you will need to add an additional parameter in the Setup.ini file so that .NET Framework 1.1 is installed without user intervention. To do this you need to add ‘dotnetfx.exe /q:a /c:”install /q”’ to the DotNetFxCmd= line. The line should look like this: DotNetFxCmd=dotnetfx.exe /q:a /c:”install /q”

Here is an example CmdLine that would silently install the English version of FaxUtil, RightFax Printer Driver, Outlook Extensions, and Interaction Integration to C:\RightFax90Client for all users, use a PCL-5E driver for the RightFax Fax Printer, configure the protocol to Named Pipes, really suppress a reboot, & create a verbose MSI log to a file named “RightFax Client Install.log” located in the user’s TEMP location. The SHOWINTERACTION portion is required when performing a quiet or silent installation and you wish to install the Interaction Integration:


*Denotes required parameter
**Note: The CmdLine= statement is a single line — there should be no carriage returns in the line.

If you want to use a batch file to install the client files you can create something similar to the following example:

net use j: \rightfax server\client install (this is the UNC path to the client installer files)

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